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A quick refresher on database use and purpose

A quick refresher on database use and purpose

Dear Diary,

I think we need a quick and reflective refresher on how we are using our databases (also referred to as CRMs), with consideration of what we know about them, and what they are doing and can do for us in our respective roles at nonprofits.

So, let’s begin…

What do we know about databases?

We know the purpose of having a database is to store, manage, and report on an organization’s data. A database is meant to help everyone in an organization, regardless of department, organize and find information. It acts as a reporting tool, and it plays an essential role in the operational and systemic growth of the organization.

But how are we using it?

Well, many are using it to its full potential.

When dialing into how it’s used within the fundraising department – dashboards are being built, software is being integrated, we are running reports/queries, and analyzing donors/prospect’s data that is stored. Its building and churning innovative analyses within the fundraising department. It is informing how and when donors have communicated with a fundraiser, it is providing points of engagement, and it is lending data to those in leadership such board members who want to see revenue reports for the fiscal year.

Many are also finding it hard to weed through the duplicate records, and having difficulty pulling reports. There is also the harsh reality that there are many who hardly know how to maneuver within the platform.

Well, then let’s think of how we can improve and optimize - what are the questions that need to be asked?

We need to figure out how to better utilize our database, and what it can reveal to us about our organization.

- How can it inform our activities across our respective roles?

- Where are we falling short in processes?

- Who else uses the database, across the organization, and how are they using it in relation to how we use it? Is there anything we can learn from their methods? And how can we be unified in terms of style so the platform is clean?

- Who needs to learn how to actually use the database, and are we taking the time to respect that need for database training?

I would like us to think of a database as a magical crystal ball. A ball that has the power to reveal so much to us in a way that is customizable and efficient.

Until next time, June 15th!

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