
Welcome to my Diary!

A thank you letter to volunteers

A thank you letter to volunteers

Dear Diary,

I wish to share an example of what I believe a thank you letter to volunteers who support different missions with their time, skills, and/ or donations, should consist of.

After reading this letter, I hope it motivates readers to think of the last time they thanked their organization’s volunteers. I hope it sparks a conversation within their organization around gratitude, and acts of appreciation.

Enjoy, and until next time, September 15th!

Hello XX,

We value you! As a volunteer you add to this organization’s ability to carry out its impact, you understand our call to action, and most importantly you know that we need your time, skills, and donations. Thank you.

As a volunteer who connects the organization to potential volunteers around the world and introduces our fundraisers to prospective donors; We are grateful for your advocacy.

I hope that you see us as a team that brings its differences to the table, combining skills and experiences to build actionable results that intensify this organization’s output and ability to make an impact on its constituents. Thank you.

As a member of a board, committee and/or thought partner, you continuously inspire and lead our organization through its goals and your dedication is only a testament of how important our cause is to you.

Therefore, your valuable time has only motivated us to strive to be more of a resource to those that we serve. We thank you through this letter. And rest assure that our commitment to our mission and to your collaboration is important to us. We will continue to work hard for you and our communities.



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