
Welcome to my Diary!

Genie I want to make three wishes

Genie I want to make three wishes

Dear Diary,

First, I wish to be a great leader.

Let’s unpack the meaning of leadership. Merriam-Webster defines leadership as “the power or ability to lead other people.” I’m sure we all analyze the leadership skills of others and then our own. So, I tend to wonder if there is a rule of thumb or criteria for who can be a leader? What must one possess to have the title of leader?

This has to be my first wish because as a 20 something-year-old in 2017, everyone wants to be a leader; and everyone wants to lead in their professional industry or in their interest area(s). There are those who prefer claiming the role in their personal lives or when building relationships. Which leads me wonder, can you crown yourself a leader? Or does that power only fall in the hands of your audience?

Ultimately, who decides?

My second wish is to be charismatic.

I think this is a trait everyone wants- whether confident, ambitious, or an introvert, there is always that “inkling” to have charisma. Defined as “exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others”-Yes, I definitely want this.

As I dive deeper into the rabbit hole called Google I come upon, Skills You Need, a site that gives a detailed “How to” on charisma.

My biggest take-away?

A charismatic person can be anyone who applies a multitude of skills and traits that have been developed and learned over time:

-Speaking with the intent to engage

-Exaggerated body language

-Appear optimistic

-Be emotionally observant

-Be highly adaptable

-Utilize persuasiveness, intellect, and respect

My third and final wish for some reason has been denied- I want to know everything.

What’s wrong with wanting to be an issue expert in all things? How else will I be able to connect with people whose interest areas lie in Astrophysics (for example)?

Lesson here: I must be confident in “not knowing something” and then wanting to be educated. An amazing connection can arise when in conversation with someone and you say “No, I actually never knew that please educate me. Tell me more.”

Imagine having an encouraging conversation that is fueled on the transaction of mutually beneficial information [On another day I will talk more about this term].

But tell me, in which of my two options am I gaining the most? Research can show me the layers and opinions about my three wishes. While every day experiences and conversations can expose me to the different forms of each wish.

My advice? Always look at the overlapping areas by which traits/skills benefit from one another.

Until next time, April 15th!

Prospect research helped me find my new stakeholder!

Prospect research helped me find my new stakeholder!

