
Welcome to my Diary!

The Top 8 Reports Fundraisers Should Use Right Now

The Top 8 Reports Fundraisers Should Use Right Now

Dear Diary,

It’s November, the weather is getting colder, and the leaves are falling and turning rustic colors. All of this change in weather also means its “end of year fundraising”. Fundraisers are trying to close the loop on all of the engagements they began at the top of the year, they are passionately cultivating relationships, some are trying to grab the attention of prospects and lapsed donors, and they are truly trying to close asks.

Well, here are 8 important reports that could assist in these fundraising efforts - some are familiar, some are intentional. 

  1. LYBUNT - The good and faithful report of those who gave last year but not this year list. We are all familiar with it so of course it had to be on the list and at the top.

  2. SYBUNT - Another familiar list that includes people who have given at some point in your organization’s history but not this year.

  3. Outstanding Pledges - There are people who have not paid their installment this year on their pledge. Are you wondering why? Maybe it’s time to check-in and see how things are going. Also, it’s always important to do active listening and include collateral on impact throughout the year, to share with them.

  4. Open Asks - This is a great way to really look at the list of people who have been solicited this year. Can these asks be closed before or by December 31st? Another way to look at this is to focus on those who have verbally committed and you need to get the gifts closed.

  5. Attendance to more than one event- Who are the supporters of your organization that have attended more than one event this year, and have truly connected with your impact?

  6. The Revisits- I’m sure we’re all aware of them and call them a different name/phrase but there are prospects who have stated the following phrase in some variation, “Thank you for reaching out but right now me and my spouse are busy with other priorities, we could speak further towards the end of the year when our calendars clear up.” - These are prospects who you have set aside to revisit, they should hear from you now.

  7. Cultivation - If you have stages in your CRM for prospects in portfolio, it’s a great idea to pull a report based on prospects in the cultivation stage for over 11 months. Who are these people and is it time to solicit? Why have they been in cultivation for over 11 months? Maybe you can’t solicit this year but is the prospect strategy still viable or should there be edits or a new focus? This is a report for intentional planning.

  8. Last but not least, your portfolio- You have to contact those in your entire portfolio, check-in on them even if it’s the holiday season (people are traveling and busy - understandable), review if they’re still viable prospects for your portfolio or should they be disqualified, ask yourself when was the last time you spoke with X and what was discussed.


What reports are you and your colleagues relying on? What other reports are missing from this top 8 list? Let readers know in the comments below.


Until next time, December 15th!

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