
Welcome to my Diary!

How diverse is your database, special committee, and board?

How diverse is your database, special committee, and board?

Dear Diary,

Today, I want to discuss diversity.

How did this topic come about? Well, whether discussed in a meeting, or as a research request, Development Officers (DOs) have always wanted diverse prospects for special committees, to attend events, as board members, and anything fundraising related. There has always been a need to seek out diversity.

And what does diversity mean? Well, in fundraising, diversity can be seen as anyone who is not a straight, wealthy, white man, at least 40 years old.

 Development Officers want to walk into fundraising events and engage with millennials- which is why researchers set up prospecting projects or initiatives for “emerging wealth”; they want to see people of color engaged- which is why special attention is given to prospects of color; and finally, they seek women as donors- which why DOs set up women’s councils, and acknowledge and uplift the role of women in philanthropy.

 There are far too many circumstances in which the communities an organization serves, and its donor base, do not mirror experiences, let alone gender, sexual identity or skin color. Representation matters. We as professionals in fundraising must question how we got here and if we’re doing anything about it. And if so, whether we are doing enough.

Who is being held accountable? You and I must hold each other accountable when it comes to diversity in fundraising. It’s important that databases in 2018 do not continue to consist of donors born in 1945, and neglect millennials who want to bring progressive change. It’s important that a school or organization’s special council is filled with different ethnicities and cultures. And, it is critical that those who you consider your governing board come from different walks of life.

Some may say it is hard to engage these diverse groups. But my response is, how have you approached them? We know there are philanthropic people of color, so are you researching their interests? Do you know what they’re currently doing to make a difference? How have you tried to understand them? Where is the effort to include them in certain conversations and meetings?

As an African American, straight woman, and prospect researcher, I appreciate the search for diversity and hope that we can start and/or continue to dispel ignorant notions about wealth in race and gender, and begin to include diversity when fundraising.

 Until next time, March 15th!


Sketching a prospect before research

Sketching a prospect before research

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