Let's Talk: Are You Reactive or Proactive?
Dear Diary,
At the beginning of a new year comes new resolutions, goals, a new mind-frame, and perhaps an indifference to change, maybe you don’t believe in setting goals. But if you are interested in developing a new mind-frame for the new year try asking yourself in every situation, “Am I being Proactive or Reactive?”
In my profession, I am constantly seeking new prospects that have the capacity to give to my organization. By doing this, I conduct Proactive research. I also compile research on prospects, based on requests, which is considered Reactive research. Professionally, each action leads me to an end that favors my overall purpose. But I would like to point out that both of these terms can also be applied to my personal life, as I consistently initiate self-improvement, and respond to the needs of life.
Note that there must be a balance between seeking and responding- being proactive and reactive. And the key is to be conscious of how you are using each term, and when one is overpowering the other.
Consider these definitions,
Pro.ac.tive (adjective): creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen
Re.ac.tive (adjective): acting in response to a situation
Now ask yourself these questions, as you frame your new year for your purpose.
When at work, are you taking the initiative to create positive and productive relationships with people outside of your team?
How are you reacting to on-going projects that you need to tackle this month?
Are you actively seeking professional development opportunities or community service projects?
When reacting to a friend’s negative or positive comments, consider what they received from what you communicated.
Are you controlling the way you seek out new employment? Making sure that you have “dotted all of your I’s and crossed all the T’s”.
How are you responding to societal issues? And are you creating opportunities for dialogue?
Have you sought out new methods or creative styles that could improve your work?
How are you reacting to the pressures of "juggling" family, work, friends, school, kids, pets, homework, your culture etc.? Or are you simply the one putting pressure on yourself?
Until next time, February 15th!