
Welcome to my Diary!

The words that form a nonprofit

The words that form a nonprofit

Dear Diary,

Every year, new nonprofits are formed for many reasons. The mission sometimes begins clear and then evolves, funding is consistently sought, and the work and collaboration is passion-filled and hard. In most scenarios, there is a gap and a need that is trying to be met by an organization, and in all occasions the commonality is change. There is a need to bring about change in a community, region, or country – the energizing thought process being, the future needs to be better.

Below is a word cloud of certain words that emphasize why people seek nonprofits, their motivation, not only the motivation to begin an organization but to work for one and help push the goals forward.

As you look over these words, what would you add to this word cloud? Comment below.

Until next time, December 15th!

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