
Welcome to my Diary!

A short lesson on advocacy, because I want you to care

A short lesson on advocacy, because I want you to care

Dear Diary,

Advocacy is such a hot topic for nonprofits and activists. Either you want to learn how to advocate for change, become an advocate, or reinforce how you currently advocate for a cause. Defined by Merriam-Webster, Advocacy is "public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy."

Why do I need to know this?

Because this can have a significant effect on fundraising and cultivation strategies. Your audience needs to believe in your cause and believe its impact. Therefore, showing how, and what you are advocating for is an effective way of rallying people together.

Who is my audience?

Your audience or stakeholder is anyone who is directly or indirectly effected by your cause/mission, and outputs.

What is storytelling?

Well, that falls right in line with advocacy because that is what keeps your audience coming back for more- consistency in stories of impact. You must share stories of results, and reflect needs. Your audience must feel like your work is the call to action or solution to a problem.

How on earth is this relevant to prospect research?

At the end of the day, I'm still a fundraiser and I believe that research plays its part in the buildup of advocacy. Believe it or not.

So, as I research prospects and know my audience, I stand aware of my marketing department's use of essential research data for communication and appeal purposes. As a researcher, I stand aware of how my research fuels the language used by development officers to build relationships and form the Ask. And as a researcher, I know that my work supports my organization's programming, as it pushes along the essence of our overall mission. I know my impact and will continue to,

1. Share my stories

2. Know my audience and,

3. Support change

Because I want you to care.

Until next time, June 15th.

10 questions for prospect development professionals

10 questions for prospect development professionals

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